Breakwater Tubes
Geotextile Tubes for Coastal Protection
Breakwater tubes, or geotextile tubes for coastal protection, are used for shoreline wave protection and erosion control. Geotubes are beach barriers filled with sand, like a sandbag, that stabilizes a coastline.
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Breakwater Tubes Features
- Material: Woven Geotextile Fabric
- Lengths: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 feet
- Circumference: 15, 22.5, 30, 45, 60, 75, or 90 feet
Breakwater Tubes Benefits
- Durable Coastline Protection
- UV-Treated for Harsh Environments
- Reef-Like Protection Barrier
Breakwater Tubes Details
Breakwater tubes provide wave protection and coastline stabilization. They hold sand and sediment firmly in place. Filling the geotubes for coastal protection creates a dependable barrier to stabilize sloping terrain, keeping sand from washing out to sea.
To control internal pressure when filling breakwater tubes, leave one port open to allow the flow of water out of the tube. The water will allow the sand to evenly disperse and deliver into the breakwater tube. Fill your breakwater tubes non-stop for best results with a mix of 15 percent sand and 85 percent water. A good normal fill rate for geotextile tubes coastal protection is 60-150 cubic yards per hour, and a normal slurry flow rate for geotubes for coastal protection 1,500 to 2,500 gallons per minute.
Breakwater Geotextile Tubes Specifications
Property | Details | Test Method |
Wide Width Tensile | 5,400 x 7,500 lbs/ft (79 x 109 kN/m) | ASTM D-4595 |
Wide Width Elongation | 17 x 13% | ASTM D-4595 |
CBR Puncture | 2,000 lbs (8,900 N) | ASTM D-6241 |
Trapezoidal Tear | 280 x 300 lbs (1,246 x 3,600 N) | ASTM D-4533 |
Apparent Opening Size | 40 US Sieve | ASTM D-4751 |
Permittivity | 0.26 Sec-1 | ASTM D-4491 |
Water Flow Rate | 20 g/min/sq. ft (815 l/min/sq. m) | ASTM D-4491 |
UV Resistance | 70% at 1,200 hrs | ASTM D-4355 |
Geotubes Beach Application
Breakwater tubes can be used as sand tubes on beach properties, in addition to many other shoreline applications. Used for stabilization, geotubes for coastline and beach erosion protection can be implemented in a variety of locations for different projects. Breakwater tubes can be used as man-made sand dunes to strengthen shorelines and keep sand from washing out to sea. There will be different ways to utilize geotextile tubes for coastal protection depending on your property's environmental conditions. For coastlines suffering from erosion and in need of slope stabilization and erosion control, breakwater tubes will be used differently than as a vertical sea wall or a reef-like protection barrier, for example. Check our Sediment Filter Sock (pdf) for more information.
Breakwater Tubes Frequently Asked Questions
Breakwater tubes are a practical erosion control product that can be used for a variety of applications and projects. Solve shoreline erosion control problems with woven geotextile tubes for coastal protection. When you use geotubes on the beach as man-made sand dunes, you can trap sand and sediment to make sure coastlines don't erode. Breakwater tubes can also act as breakwalls or jetties, providing wave protection for sensitive environmental areas and coastlines that are prone to erosion. You can stack geotubes on the beach to make a vertical sea wall. The breakwater tubes break up the waves that hit the shore.
The fabric of the sand tubes on the beach is woven geotextile, making it ideal for the sand containment and flexibility needed to control erosion on your coastline. Colors for the fabric include the classic black fabric color option or a beige sand colored option that would allow the breakwater tubes to blend into your environment.