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Causes of Water Pollution

Causes of water pollution can come from natural causes or human negligence. From natural stormwater runoff to sedimentation from a construction site, polluted runoff can introduce silt, chemicals, debris, plastics, trash, and other harmful pollutants into a water body.

Water Pollution Defined

Water pollution is defined as the unwelcome addition of harmful and unnatural substances to a body of water, which contaminates the water and affects the ecosystem. It adversely impacts aquatic life and microorganisms, disrupting the food chain and causing it to degrade and greatly lose its quality. The effects of water pollution are far reaching and also affect us personally. Our drinking water or the water we swim in has the potential to be filled with harmful chemicals and pollutants because of water pollution.

Types of Water Pollution

Types of water pollution can include trash, sedimentation and turbidity, or a nutrient influx that can bring algal blooms and can also spawn invasive aquatic plants. These causes of water pollution have their own unique facets.

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Sediment Pollution

Sediment Pollution

Sediment pollution can occur naturally from erosion or from silt and sediment from a construction site. The influx of sediment clouds the bodies of water, harming the ecosystems and causing unclean drinking water that needs treatment. When sediment is present in water it causes numerous issues. For one, increased sediment in water inhibits sunlight from entering, causing plants and organisms to die. This disrupts the food chain, which causes a trickle-down effect of harm. Too few organisms growing in sunlight will mean not enough food for larger animals. Too much sediment in the water will clog fish gills and cause waterways to be unnavigable. This sediment will need time to settle in order to be removed. Luckily, floating barrier and turbidity curtains were made especially for this task.

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Plastic Water Pollution

Plastic Water Pollution

Plastic water pollution is virtually unavoidable in the world that we live in. Plastic debris and microplastics often find their way into waterways resulting in plastic pollution floating downstream or by being carried by the wind. Swaths of marine debris and litter can be found in our oceans and lakes. This lake pollution needs to be corralled and contained for it to be collected and properly recycled. Plastic water pollution harms wildlife, poisoning animals and clogging waterways. Controlling plastic water pollution is imperative for a sustainable world. There are several ways to do that.

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Invasive Aquatic Plants

Invasive Aquatic Plants

Invasive aquatic plants often come about because of nutrient pollution where too many nutrients enter a body of water, causing intense algal blooms and invasive aquatic plants. These invasive aquatic plants will deplete oxygen in the water, killing off the naturally occurring plants and organisms. Invasive aquatic plants can exist under the water, on the water's surface, or out of water. Containing them and preventing their spread with boom, is one method of controlling existing aquatic plants.

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Possible Locations for Water Pollution

Locations of water pollution can include literally any body of water. Where there is a collection of water there is the potential for it to be contaminated. No body of water is safe from water pollution. The most common types include lake and river pollution. Sediment pollution, plastic water pollution, or invasive aquatic plant invasions from nutrient pollution can occur. It's how you handle these causes of water pollution in rivers and lakes that is important.


Lake Pollution

Invasive aquatic plants often come about because of nutrient pollution where too many nutrients enter a body of water, causing intense algal blooms and invasive aquatic plants. These invasive aquatic plants will deplete oxygen in the water, killing off the naturally occurring plants and organisms. Invasive aquatic plants can exist under the water, on the water's surface, or out of water. Containing them and preventing their spread with boom, is one method of controlling existing aquatic plants.

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River Pollution

River Pollution

River pollution can occur through natural causes or from human intervention. Due to their fast waters, rivers are also prone to erosion, which can lead to turbidity and sediment build up in the water. River boom contains floating pollutants and is designed to be used in moving waters like rivers.

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The Effects of Water Pollution

The different effects of water pollution can include unsafe drinking water, poisoned animals and ecosystems from ingesting plastic, and clogged unnavigable waterways. These effects of water pollution can be cleaned up, controlled, or prevented with the right tools. Deciding on the best water pollution solution will involve assessing your site conditions, evaluating the different causes of water pollution you are experiencing, and determining the amount of pollution needing to be contained. For example, when dealing with lake pollution or river pollution you will need to determine the level of water and wind activity you have in order to choose an appropriate method.

Some Water Pollution Solutions

If you are experiencing floating debris issues such as floating plastic, trash, or plants, then a debris boom barrier could help. If your water conditions are calm, then you would choose our containment boom made especially for no wave action. We also have specially designed boom for moving water and for offshore conditions.

If you are trying to prevent sediment, debris, and plastic water pollution from entering a street catch basin, our storm drain filters could be the right tool for you. Storm drain filters come in many different styles and sizes depending on the type, style, and size of storm drain. Over grate, under grate, gutter guards, catch basin insert, and a basin guard are only some of the options we offer.

For plastic water pollution and debris in marinas and harbors, a floating trash skimmer like the Seabin could be beneficial. A floating trash skimmer will take in polluted water from a location and retain the plastic water pollution in a catch bag while releasing the clean water back into the marina.

Causes of Water Pollution Frequently Asked Questions

Some Water Pollution Solutions

The causes of water pollution can be either through culpable human hands or by natural causes within an environment. Some examples are sediment pollution from stormwater runoff and erosion, plastic water pollution from discarded and disregarded litter, or invasive aquatic plants from nutrient pollution. These can all cause water pollution, which affects natural environments, ecosystems, and the water we drink every day. Unfortunately, water pollution occurs rather frequently, and it's up to us to try to limit its effects.

What are some solutions to water pollution?

Some solutions to water pollution include floating containment boom, city street storm drain filters, and the floating trash skimmer. These water pollution solutions will have different impacts depending on the location where they are used.

How can you prevent water pollution?

You can prevent your personal contributions to water pollution by being aware of the different pollutants you could allow to leech into the water supply. Be aware of the oil, hydrocarbons, and chemicals that could come from washing your car, your home maintenance projects, or from your animals. Additionally, if you notice sediment pollution in your neighborhood, you can report this water pollution to the proper authorities, helping to keep waterways clean. While there is no way to totally prevent water pollution, we can limit the effects of water pollution and attack it early with containment boom, floating barriers, storm drain filters, and floating trash skimmers.