Decon Pool
Decontamination Pool and Decon Supplies
The decon pool is a compact, low-profile decontamination solution designed to handle soiled sorbents, hazmat spills, and first responder and equipment wash-down. Decon supplies like the decon pool provide decontamination and fast spill containment when you need it the most. The walls of the decontamination pool pop up when the pool is filled with liquid or something is spilled and leaks. The durable, highly resistant fabric catches leaks that help meet federal and local regulations. See our video below for more information.
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Decon Pool Features
- Capacities up to 400 gallons
- Low profile design
- High-resistant fabric
Decon Pool Benefits
- Easy to transport
- Reliable containment option
- Use with decon shower
Decontamination Pool Product Details
A decontamination Ultra Pop Up Pool economy model has capacity ranges from 20 to 400 gallons, and the sprung steel model has a capacity range of 20 to 150 gallons. The 250 to 400 gallon ranges are only available for the standard, economy model. The chemical resistant fabric is 10 oz polyethylene, except for the 400 gallon decon pool, which is 18 oz. PVC.
For more information on the difference among the Sprung Steel Ultra Pop Up Pool, Standard Ultra Pop Up Pool and the Economy Ultra Pop Up Pool, see the frequently asked questions at the bottom of the page. For example, with the Sprung Steel Model, a carrying case is included, but with the Economy Model, the carrying case is optional. Find answers to other questions below.
Ultratech Ultra Decon Pool Specifications
Part # | Description | Dimensions Filled | Weight Lbs. (Kg) |
Ultratech 8022 | 20 gal (76 L) | Wall Height 8, Top dia. 28, Bottom dia. 35 (204, 711, 889) | 3.0 (1.5) |
Ultratech 8068 | 66 gal (250 L) | Wall Height 12, Top dia. 42, Bottom dia. 53 (305, 1067, 1347) | 4.0 (2.0) |
Ultratech 8102 | 100 gal (379 L) | Wall Height 12, Top dia. 53, Bottom dia. 64½ (305, 1347, 1638) | 5.0 (2.5) |
Ultratech 8153 | 150 gal (568 L) | Wall Height 12, Top dia. 64, Bottom dia. 76 (305, 1626, 1930) | 6.0 (3.0) |
Ultratech 8160 | 250 gal (946 L) | Wall Height 12, Top dia. 73, Bottom dia. 85 (305, 1855, 2159) | 17.0 (7.5) |
Ultratech 8162 | 400 gal (1,514 L) | Wall Height 20, Top dia. 73, Bottom dia. 85 (508, 1855, 2159) | 18.0 (8.0) |
Ultratech Ultra Decon Pool Specifications, Sprung Steel Models
Part # | Description | Dimensions Filled | Weight Lbs. (Kg) |
Ultratech 8020 | 20 gal (76 L) | Wall Height 8, Top dia. 28, Bottom dia. 35 (204, 711, 889) | 3.0 (1.5) |
Ultratech 8066 | 66 gal (250 L) | Wall Height 12, Top dia. 42, Bottom dia. 53 (305, 1067, 1347) | 5.0 (2.5) |
Ultratech 8100 | 100 gal (379 L) | Wall Height 12, Top dia. 53, Bottom dia. 64½ (305, 1347, 1638) | 6.0 (3.0) |
Ultratech 8150 | 150 gal (568 L) | Wall Height 12, Top dia. 64, Bottom dia. 76 (305, 1626, 1930) | 7.0 (3.0) |
Decon Pool Applications
A decon pool is perfect for use with a decon shower to add extra secondary containment to your decontamination projects. A decontamination Ultra Pop Up pool is a great solution for washing down hazmat suits, dirty equipment that could be covered in harmful materials, and dealing with equipment runoff. If you need temporary tank or drum storage, a decon pool is a great asset to have on hand at your facility. Decon supplies like these will aid you in emergency spill containment efforts that require fast action.
The Ultra Pop Up Pool is made of either 18 oz. PVC or 10 oz. polyethylene. Polyethylene and PVC are compatible with a variety of chemicals. For reference, Ultratech spill containment products are made to catch leaked chemicals for short periods of time: hours, a day, and at most, a week. Because the decon pool will only hold chemicals for a short period of time, it has a higher chemical compatibility. For more information on chemical compatibility, Contact Us or Call at 863-261-8388.
Decon Pool Frequently Asked Questions
The two decon Ultra Pop-Up pool models differ based on price, set up, and size. The economy model decontamination pool is less expensive due to the lack of the metal ring that the sprung steel model has. The economy model will take slightly longer to take out of its optional carrying case and set up, whereas the sprung steel model will pop up into position when you remove it from its case. Another difference between the two decon supplies is the economy model decontamination pool can be made in larger capacity sizes.
While the decontamination pool is made from durable materials, it is not meant to be driven over multiple times. The decon pool's primary function is to aid in a decon shower, control and contain decon supplies, catch hazardous leaks and spills, and respond in emergency spill containment situations. If you need a product to contain spills that must be driven over, we suggest you check out our spill berm selection.